Mints of the World
Cuban Mint - Casa da Moeda do Brasil
Mints Index by Country

Mint NameCuban Mint, Casa da Moeda do Cuba
DescriptionOfficial Cuban Mint
AddressDivisión de Acuñaciones-Corporación CIMEX S.A. Dirección, edificio Sierra Maestra, calle 0 esquina 2ª piso 6, Oficina B Miramar, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Telephone0053 7 204-1806, 203-9479
Fax0053 7 204-2845

Central Bank NameCentral Bank of Cuba
DescriptionOfficial Cuban Central Bank
AddressPO Box 746, Cuba 402, Municipio Habana Vieja, La Habana, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
Telephone0053 7 866 8003
Fax0053 7 866 6601
LanguagesSpanish, English

Description - Central Bank
Created as the Banco National de Cuba (National Bank of Cuba) in 1950, reorganised at least four times, and changed to or re-established as the Banco Central de Cuba (Central Bank of Cuba) in 1997. It carries primary responsibility for the issue of Cuban coins.

Description - Cuban Mint
We have seen two different addresses given for the Cuban Mint, but could not find this listed in any official source. The contact details for the Mint were provided to us by the Banco Central de Cuba. We are awaiting a further reply the web address (URL) of the Mint, if any.

This page is part of the "Mints of the World" website, created to provide a list of world mints together with brief contact and other general information about them for coin collectors, dealers, numismatists.